Wednesday, September 4, 2019 beginnings....

I'm struggling to figure out how to focus this blog, and even finding the time to write.  As a Kindergarten teacher, I am often exhausted when I arrive home at the end of the day, and the thought of turning on the computer to write (even though I enjoy writing) is an exhausting thought!  Then I have to decide what to do I choose a topic that will interest anyone crazy enough to read this blog?

Being a school teacher, September always equals a new beginning for me.  It's the beginning of a new school year, a new crop of kindergartners passing through the doors of my classroom and the beginning of another year molding the minds of the future.

Well, I thought I would treat September as a "Getting to know you" kind of month!  Just like I spend September in the classroom getting to know my class....I will spend September letting all of you get to know me...and if you already know me as a friend, perhaps you will learn something new about me this month!

So here I go...I'm going to start simple...

Here are 20 facts about me....

  1. I am 36 years old. 
  2. I teach Kindergarten in Connecticut.  I have just begun teaching my 14th year of Kindergarten.  I have a hard time believing that I have taught for 14 years...especially since that means that my first group of Kindergarten students are in college...College?!? Wasn't I just in college?
     My Classroom
  3. I am a proud Auntie to 4 wonderful children....Brayden (soon to be 9!), Aubrey (7), McKenna (6), and Kolton (5).  These kids are the light of my life, and I love every minute I spend with them! 
  4. I reconnected with my first love, and High School Sweetheart a year ago, and we started dating again in February after 18 years apart. These past 7 months have been the best 7 months of my life.  I sometimes still can't believe I finally got everything that I was hoping for in high school! <3
  5. I have 1 younger brother...he's the reason I have those 4 adorable kids as my nieces and nephews!  He is engaged to a wonderful woman who I look forward to calling my sister-in-law in the future.
  6. I enjoy's a hobby that I never really explored until the whole Paint & Sip concept, drink some alcohol and paint a picture...well, ok!  I've actually learned to love painting, and have even begun painting at home when I have free time and the inspiration.  I like to think that I inherited my painting "talent" (if you can call it that) from my grandmother, who passed away from cancer 5 years ago.  I even use her easel, and brushes when I paint at home.  
  7. I still love listening to boybands...New Kids on the Block, 98 Degrees, Backstreet Boys, N*Sync...I've even spent the better part of the past 10 years enjoying NKOTB concerts and cruises, as well as 98 Degrees and BSB concerts....and yes, the boyfriend teases me about still listening to boy bands.  LOL!  I don't care, they make me happy, and take me back to simpler times!  
  8. I love all kinds of music collection ranges from boybands, to broadway, to country, to pop, to rap, to kids music, to classical, and tv/movie soundtracks.
  9. My favorite color is purple.
  10. I love watching baseball....Boston Red Sox are my team!  GO SOX!!  
  11. I have a huge fear of heights...I actually have been known to hyperventilate when in certain height related situations...The funny thing is the boyfriend seems to think he'll get me to go zip-lining, bungee jumping, or sky-diving one day...HAHAHAHA!!  Good luck, babe!  Never gonna happen!
  12. I HATE absolutely detest it!  I can't stand the taste of it.  I can't even eat a piece of chicken that has been cooked on the same part of the grill...if there is the slightest bit of a "fishy" taste, I will gag!  My stepfather actually cooked me a new piece of chicken one night because it tasted too fishy!  Christmas Eve with Boyfriend's family should be really fun....Italian family...Feast of the Seven Fishes... I'm going to have to eat before hand, and then somehow pretend to eat at their house...LOL
  13. I also hate the taste of coffee....I am probably one of few teachers who doesn't survive off coffee! hahaha!
  14. Last year was the hardest school year I have ever had in 13 years.  I actually contemplated quitting because it was such a tough year of kids.  For the first time in 13 years as a teacher, I thought about giving up on my teaching career...and it's the only career I've ever truly wanted!
  15. I watched Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame before having seen ALL the movies that came before...Boyfriend wanted to make me watch all the movies before Endgame came out, but he failed on his mission.  He still made me watch Infinity War and Endgame.... I was quite confused about certain events in the movies...Don't worry, I have since completed watching the first 10 years of the Marvel Cinematic Universe...and now all those missing details make more sense. 
  16. I have approximately 15 baseball hats, and yet, I hate wearing them because they flatten out my bangs, and give me really bad hat head! LOL
  17. I can't keep plants alive...not even succulents which are pretty idiot matter what I do...I over water, under water...too much sun, not enough sun...doesn't matter what I plants stay alive in my care!
  18. I have a drawer full of t-shirts and yet, I rarely wear t-shirts...I've already turned a bunch of t-shirts into quilts, and yet I could easily make 3-4 more t-shirt quilts with all the shirts I have! The ones in my drawer are ones that I don't want to cut up though for quilts, and yet I don't really wear them! Go figure!
  19. I love to travel!  I have traveled to Hawaii, London, Bermuda, Bahamas, Cozumel, and various places throughout the US...Someday I hope to travel to Scotland...It's number 1 on my bucket list of places I want to visit!  I also anticipate a trip to Italy someday (obviously with the boyfriend)
  20.  Last fact for tonight about me....I love sleeping.  I could pretty much fall asleep anywhere, at any time of day, as long as I'm relaxed and not stressed!  In fact, I can pretty much guarantee that within 5-10 minutes of me posting this blog, and turning of my computer, I will be sound asleep! 
Hope you enjoyed these facts, and learned a little something about me!  I'll post again soon!


Saturday, August 24, 2019

100 Questions no one ever asks?

While trying to decide on my next blog post, I came across this list of "100 Questions no one ever asks"

I was intrigued by these random questions, and thought, 'OK...lets answer them!' Have you ever been asked any of these questions?

In the blog post where I found these questions, the blogger answers them in a video...I'm just going to write my answers...not ready to venture into the whole personal videos in my blogs yet...I'm really just getting started again in this whole blog writing adventure....

So here we go....100 random pieces of information about me...ENJOY!

1. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? I sleep with my doors open usually...not for any specific reason, other than I don't remember to close them, LOL.
2. Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotels? usually depends on the smell, or how it makes my hair feel if I use them while I'm there!
3. Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out? I don't use sheets...just my comforter, and usually my feet need to be sticking out the end of the comforter.
4. Have you stolen a street sign before? Nope, can't say I've ever stolen a street sign before!
5. Do you like to use post-it notes? I use them ALL THE TIME in my Kindergarten classroom! I use them for games, graphs, and learning activities with the kiddoes, as well as reminders for myself!
6. Do you cut out coupons but then never use them? I have definitely been known to do this...I don't necessarily cut them out, but when I get coupons for things, I put them in the wallet, and never see them again until AFTER the expiration date!
7. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees? I guess a big bear...I'm not entirely sure why other than because I wouldn't want a ton of bee stings to be the reason for my possible death?
8. Do you have freckles? Yes
9. Do you always smile for pictures? For the most part, yes. I can't think of a photo where I didn't smile...unless it was a candid photo.
10. What is your biggest pet peeve? Loud chewers, the smell of cigarettes, and liars!
11. Do you ever count your steps when you walk? I don't think so...unless I'm doing an activity with the Kindergarteners that requires us to count steps.
12. Have you peed in the woods? probably somewhere, at some point in my life...but I can't specifically think of a time..
13. Have you ever pooped in the woods? Uh....I don't think so...
14. Do you ever danced even if there's no music playing? Yup! I've been known to dance around in my kitchen, bedroom, and in the shower...the music just runs through my head! LOL
15. Do you chew your pens and pencils? Nope
16. How many people have you slept with this week? None
17. What size is your bed? Full size...but definitely going to have to look into getting a bigger bed soon...
18. What is your song of the week? "Flashlight" from 'Pitch Perfect 2'....not sure why, but it's been running through my head ALL week! Can't get it out of my head!
19. Is it OK for guys to wear pink? Yes!
20. Do you still watch cartoons? Yes...I love cartoons! I'm currently watching an animated movie, LOL! Moana! I do teach Kindergarten, so I must be up to date on all the popular movies and cartoons!
21. What is your least favorite movie? I absolutely detest the movie "Frozen"!! I also don't enjoy Horror movies at all!! The boyfriend keeps trying to get me to watch them, but NOPE!
22. Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some? Somewhere on my parents 13 acres of land, I suppose...
23. What do you drink with dinner? Not on a typical night, but occasionally when having dinner out with people....or if it's been a really bad night...
24. What do you dip a chicken nugget in? Barbecue Sauce
25. What is your favorite food? burgers and fries!
26. What movies could you watch over and over again and still love? Harry Potter, Tangled, Gone With the Wind, The Sound of Music, most movies by Pixar, Jurassic Park movies, Hook, Spaceballs, Robin Hood: Men in Tights, and so many more....
27. Last person you kissed/kissed you? My wonderful boyfriend <3
28. Were you ever a boy/girl scout? Yes, I was a girl scout when I was younger.
29. Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine? No
30. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper? Last year, I attempted to be a pen pal with a fellow Outlander fan....we wrote a few letters back and forth to each other, but life got in the way...
31. Can you change the oil on a car? Nope
32. Ever gotten a speeding ticket? Yup
33. Ever ran out of gas? No, thank goodness!
34. What’s your favorite kind of sandwich? chicken cutlet, bacon, lettuce, tomato, cheese, and mayo on a hard roll.
35. Best thing to eat for breakfast? bacon and eggs
36. What is your usual bedtime? usually somewhere between 9-10pm...I can't usually stay up past 10pm...being a KG teacher is exhausting!
37. Are you lazy? yup...give me the couch, pajamas, and netflix and I'm 100% content! LOL
38. When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween? Usually something Princess related...
39. What is your Chinese astrological sign? I was born in the Year of the Pig
40. How many languages can you speak? One
41. Do you have any magazine subscriptions? Scholastic's Teacher Magazine, Zoobooks for my Kindergarten class
42. Which are better: legos or lincoln logs? Lego's
43. Are you stubborn? Yes
44. Who is better: Leno or Letterman? I didn't ever watch either of them, so I don't have an opinion
45. Ever watch soap operas? I used to watch one during the summer in high school, but I can't remember what it was's no longer on the air.
46. Are you afraid of heights? TERRIFIED!
47. Do you sing in the car? I put on the greatest concerts ever in my car!!
48. Do you sing in the shower? Yup...not everyday, but sometimes
49. Do you dance in the car? How can I sing in the car without dancing a little as well! HAHA!
50. Ever used a gun? Nope, and I don't have any intention of ever holding one. Guns scare me.
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? Last picture day...
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy? Ummm yes, but that's why I love them!!
53. Is Christmas stressful? yes, it can be...But it's also my favorite time of year!!
54. Ever eat a pierogi? pierogi's!
55. Favorite type of fruit pie? my mom's mixed berry pie, or strawberry rhubard pie, or apple pie...I mean, really...any pie my mom makes!
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? Teacher, Bus driver, and marine biologist (dolphin trainer)
57. Do you believe in ghosts? i suppose I believe in a ghost-like spirit type thing...
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? All the time, and it freaks me out whenever I have them...
59. Do you take a vitamin daily? No
60. Do you wear slippers? When my feet are cold
61. Do you wear a bath robe? No
62. What do you wear to bed? Usually a t-shirt, or pajama set
63. What was your first concert? Phil Vassar
64. Walmart, Target, or Kmart? Walmart
65. Nike or Adidas? Nike
66. Cheetos or Fritos? Cheetos
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? Sunflower Seeds
68. Ever hear of the group Tres Bien? No
69. Ever take dance lessons? Yes, I did ballroom dance lessons for about a year!
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? Can't think of one
71. Can you curl your tongue? Yup
72. Ever won a spelling bee? Nope, don't think I've ever competed in one!
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? Yes
74. Own any record albums? yes, I own 98 Degrees Christmas album on record...I won a contest and it was part of the prize...
75. Own a record player? Nope, so I can't play the 98 Degrees Christmas album LOL
76. Do you regularly burn incense? Never burned any in my life...
77. Ever been in love? Truthfully, I've only been in love once...I fell in love with him in high school almost 21 years ago, and after a long, dramatic story with years of us not talking, we found love with each other again this year! I realized after years of trying to convince myself that I didn't still love him, that I actually never stopped loving him....we're almost 7 months into this relationship, and planning on forever with each other this time... <3
78. Who would you like to see in concert? Carrie Underwood, Luke Bryan, Kane Brown, Brett Young, Ed Sheeran, Florida Georgia Line, and so many more
79. What was the last concert you saw? Chuck Wicks
80. Hot tea or cold tea? both...depends on my mood...I had both hot tea, and iced tea today!
81. Tea or coffee? Definitely Tea....I hate coffee
82. Sugar cookies or snickerdoodles? Sugar cookies
83. Can you swim well? Pretty well....I was on my country club swim team when I was younger...
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? Yes
85. Are you patient? Well I am a Kindergarten teacher.... and I did wait 18 years to find love with my HS Sweetheart again!
86. DJ or band at a wedding? DJ
87. Ever won a contest? Yes, I've won a few
88. Have you ever had plastic surgery? Nope
89. Which are better: black or green olives? Black
90. Can you knit or crochet? I can crochet...but only one type of 'stitch'.... I wish my Nana had taught me before she died
91. Best room for a fireplace? Family Room/Living Room
92. Do you want to get married? YES!! Without a doubt, I want to get married, and I know who I want to marry! <3
93. If married, how long have you been married? N/A
94. Who was your high school crush? I had many...LOL
95. Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way? Am I a toddler?? LOL
96. Do you have kids? Nope
97. Do you want kids? Yes
98. What is your favorite color? Purple
99. Do you miss anyone right now? My love...good thing I'm going to see him tomorrow. I also really miss my grandmother...I wish everyday that I could have just one more day with her.
100. Who are you going to tag to do this video next? Well, considering I didn't make a video, no one! But I would love to hear your answers to some of these questions! Feel free to comment below!!

Saturday, August 17, 2019

So there's this boy...

I've written a few blog posts over the years about him.  In fact, my last blog post before life took over and I stepped away from this blog for awhile, was about him.  My posts were never happy moments of seeing him or thinking of him...I was always upset, or thinking that someday I would be "over him."  I look back on those blog posts, as well as the poems, and journal entries I used to write back in high school and college, and my questions were always the same "why does he keep coming back into my head" and "why can't I let him go?"

Well looking back now, there is a simple answer to those questions..... True love has a habit of coming back.... 

True's something I never thought I would find.  In fact, I've written a lot about being "happily single."  All lies of course...happily single...HA!  Was I enjoying my single life?  of course.  I have a wonderful group of friends, many of whom are 'happily single' and we've shared so many wonderful adventures through the years.  These girls have gotten me through so many of the "when will it be my turn" moments, and I am so thankful for them all.  I can't say I was truly 'happily single.'  I've always known that I've wanted to find the person who would fill that hole in my heart.  I just never expected it to be Gio again...

If you had asked me a year ago if I thought that I would ever be talking to my high school sweetheart again, I would have said no.  If you had asked me a year ago if I ever thought that I would date my high school sweetheart again, I probably would have said "hell no!"  Fate and Destiny had other plans...  About 11 months ago (September 30), he reached out to me through Facebook.  I spent hours contemplating whether to open that door and let him back in.  After finally "opening the door," we would spend the next 2 months reliving every piece of our romantic history.  I had jumped back on that emotional roller coaster that was most of our relationship.  Questions were answered, tears were shed, phones were thrown, and feelings/regrets were shared.

It started out rough, but by the end of November we were on "friendly" enough terms that we decided to meet up for 'coffee.'  "Take a f*cking leap!"  That's what I told him when he wasn't sure if he was ready to see me in person.  We were both nervous as hell.  In fact, I almost turned around multiple times on my drive there.  This was the first time we would be seeing each other in 4 years.  The last time we had seen each other hadn't gone all that well (see my last blog post before this one, LOL).  We went into this meet-up with our eyes wide open, heads first, hearts second, ready to see if we could "be friends." I was sure we would be there only about an hour or 2....Our 'coffee date' lasted 4 hours!  We took that leap, and at the end of the night, I hugged him so tight, and wasn't entirely convinced that I would ever let him go.  I was afraid of those feelings for him again, but they were still there....all these years later.  "Wherever this is going, just promise me that we take it slow." -his text to me at the end of the night.

We continue to spend time talking through December, and saw each other again for coffee right before Christmas.  We had talked randomly throughout the month about the possibility of seeing where things might the future...not yet tho.  For now, it was supposed to be just friends...

Then January rolled around...We began to talk more about a possible future for us.  At the end of January, I requested to see him more often, because if there was ever going to be a possible future for us, I needed to see him more than once a month.  We decided to begin a weekly date night.  We had one "hang out at my apt and watch a movie" night before he asked me on a real date.  Friday, February 1st...We finally went out on our first ever real date.

That was 6 1/2 months ago...We went out on that date, took that leap, and we haven't looked back since!  He gave me back the piece of my heart that he had taken as a teenager.  The piece of my heart that I never thought I would ever see again.  He gave me back that piece, and my heart has never been happier.  We are taking things slowly, but we know where we're heading.  We're planning forever together...a future with a family.  We're just not rushing through the steps to get there...We are enjoying the journey, and enjoying every minute finally being the couple I always knew we were supposed to be in high school.

A year ago, I never thought I would ever talk to him again, and now I can't imagine my life without him in it.  He has that place in my heart that was always meant for him.  I love when he tells people that we were high school sweethearts who found each other again after all these years.  How many people are lucky enough to call their high school sweetheart the love of their life?  💘 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Why now...after all these years!?

The last time I wrote about my first love, I said he would hopefully be a distant blip on my radar soon...

Well apparently that ship turned around and that blip on the radar is covering the whole damn screen and beeping loudly....

My ex....showed up at my high school girls brunch on Sunday, and no one thought it would be good to warn me he was coming....  BLINDSIDED with my ex-boyfriend....

A week ago, I would have whole-heartedly said "I'm over him!"

Then he walked into the restaurant, and my heart began to race and I felt that nervous, butterfly, nauseous feeling...I haven't felt that way in years!!!  To be completely honest, he's the only one who has ever made my heart race...

In an attempt to calm my nerves, I gulped back my 1st Bellini of the day...I'm not entirely sure how many there were by the time brunch was over, but I was at least 4 drinks in when the 1st course arrived.

I tried to avoid eye-contact with him, but every time I looked in his direction, he was looking at me...

The whole table was laughing and having a good time reminiscing about fun times...but he kept adding in these references to the times we dated... *knocks back another drink*


You don't have the right to bring it up anymore!  You don't have the right to say "The day of the gas leak changed my life forever."  WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT!?!  What was the point in bringing up the day we started dating!?  Were you trying to just get a reaction out of me?  Were you trying to see if there are still feelings there?  Do you have regrets?  Were you hoping that there would be some indication that I still have feelings for you?

Let me take another drink...

You have lost your chance to say such things!!  You broke my heart for way too many years...You can't tell me that you love me, but that it's not written in the stars for us to be together, and then turn around and apologize for hurting me, followed by randomly telling me you were going to ask me to marry you.  How many things did you say to me that were lies??  Did you really every want to get back together with me?  Did you really every hope that things would work out?

WHY??  Why couldn't we make it past the 1 month mark?  What was it about our relationship that made you want to break-up before we moved past those first few weeks...

Did you ever really love me???  Why did loving me scare the ever-loving shit out of you!?

I loved you so much more than you deserved....that's not deserve love, we all do...

We always seemed to be in a good place...but you would break my heart, and I'm not even sure why...I didn't want to "still be friends" like you asked so many times after breaking my heart.  I wanted to love you, to be with you, to give our relationship a TRUE chance.

Why do I feel like I'm 16 again?  Why do I feel like I felt 15 years ago?    Why can't I ever say these things to you?  You leave me tongue-tied when it comes to our relationship (or lack thereof)...

After all this time?   Always....

Friday, February 14, 2014

Single on Valentine's Day

Well...let's put another year in the books as being completely and utterly single on Valentine's Day...

Let's talk being single on Valentine's's what it's like...

I woke up this morning, and after seeing the snow still falling outside, I remembered that it was Valentine's Day...I grabbed my phone to see if I have a work delay, while I have the phone out, I check facebook...

Cue all pictures of presents and flowers from boyfriends, husbands, and children..."guess what single's all the reminders that we are not alone on this holiday!"  I click the "like" button for a few pics, but then frankly, I don't want to look at the pictures anymore...

After showering, I put on my pink shirt, heart shaped earrings and necklace, and head off to work...

Why wear the pink and the hearts?  Well, I have classroom full of "valentines" everyday of the year...We call it "Friendship Day" and we celebrate being friends...

I try my best to ignore the internet for most of the day...If I ignore it, then there are no pictures of everyone's happy love lives...if I ignore it, then it's just another day...and I don't mind being single on most other's the holidays that are reminders of who is happily taken and who is single...

of course, the reminders are there in my classroom all day...children making valentine's for their parents, hearts hanging around the room, and the Valentine "mailboxes" which the kids will open in the afternoon.

I read a story to my kids called "Slugs in Love"...well, crap!  Even the slugs are in love...but I am not....

Thank goodness for the 8 little valentine's who have hugged me, told me they love me, and gave me cards and flowers...they make my single valentine's day a little brighter!

But of course there are also the reminders from the co-workers with their flower/candy/chocolate deliveries to work...yup...we get it, you're married or in a relationship...

At the end of my work day, I call in an order for take-out, drive home, eat dinner alone, ignore more happy love lives online, and I won't lie...I'm probably going to call it a night early tonight...I don't have any reason to stay up late and be reminded of all the happy people...

As Scarlett O'Hara says... Tomorrow is another day...

tomorrow the reminders will stop, and I can go back to forgetting that I am single on Valentine's I have been for too many years...

Until then... Happy Valentine's Day to all the single people out there...only a few more hours of reminders!!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

My day...

  • 6:00am - alarm goes off, I hit snooze.
  • 6:09am - snooze!
  • 6:15am - snooze!
  • I continue to hit snooze until 6:45am!
  • 6:50am - shower
  • 7:05am - get dressed
  • 7:15am - put lunch in my lunchbox
  • 7:20am - out the door to my frozen car...turn it on and come back in the apt!
  • 7:30am - out the door again to finish scraping what the defrost didn't get off windows and off to work!
  • 7:50am - chatting with Jessica at work
  • 8:00am - officially on the clock at work
  • 8:15am - head to pre-k classroom where my kg class is
  • 8:55am - take me KG class to our classroom
  • 9:05am - receive text from Jillian.... we are headed to NYC for "Wahlburgers Wednesday" with Donnie Wahlberg!  WOO WOO!!
  • 9:15am - parent/teacher conference
  • 9:55am - back to the classroom...clean-up time!
  • 10:05am - circle time...calendar, weather, school day count, pledge of allegiance, and story (The Wombat and the Kangaroo).
  • 10:30am - Reading group starts with our smart board activity, followed by handwriting and then our small-group lesson at the reading table.
  • 11:00am - Art - I teach my kids what a still life painting is.  We weave "baskets" as part one of a "Fruit Basket" art project.
  • 11:50am - time to clean-up for lunch!  (Chicken, Sweet potato Fries, apple, and mixed veggies)
  • 12:00pm - My lunch break!  Off to the break room to chat with my co-workers about VARIOUS random items! ;)
  • 1:00pm - back to the classroom, class is outside for recess....get myself bundled up and head outside!
  • 1:30pm - back inside for math (taught by my co-teacher).
  • 2:10pm - Science time...we are testing which solids sink and float. 6 objects float, 3 sink!
  • 3:00pm - put homework and school work in folders.
  • 3:15pm - snack and free-time for the kiddos.  I eat my snack as well (cheese/crackers and grapefruit) and chat with Mr. Alan.
  • 4:00pm - turn the smart board on for one of my students to play on 
  • 4:15pm - practice spelling/reading words with letter cards with one of my students.
  • 4:55pm - move 2 children to another room and pack up my belongings to end my day.  Chat with a few teachers/parents before finally walking out of my classroom.
  • 5:15pm - head out the door to my car and drive home.
  • 5:30pm - stop for gas
  • 5:45pm - HOME!
  • 6:00pm - dinner (omelet and blueberries)
  • 6:45pm - crawl into bed to relax and watch some tv.
    The Middle
    Big Bang Theory
  • 8:30pm - begin writing this blog and continue watching tv.... Brooklyn Nine - Nine rerun
  • Following Brooklyn Nine-Nine, I will watch New Girl, then probably do some reading and then head to bed!
Delayed opening for my center tomorrow...Maybe I'll take a personal day since most of my class won't be in anyway...or I could just head in and do some cleaning in the classroom!  I can always find things to clean and organize, though my co-teacher hates when I do it! LOL!!

Monday, February 3, 2014

iPod shuffle!

Blog #11 - Put my iPod (iPhone) on shuffle and write down the 1st 10 songs that come up!  This is always fun to see!
  1. "One Club At a Time" - Midnight Red  (Random fact:  Midnight Red followed me on twitter the other day, and I didn't even follow them, lol!  I follow them now, just to be nice!)
  2. "Bailout Song #1" - Kristoffer Cusick, First Date (Original Broadway Cast Recording)  Such a FUNNY song and Broadway show...sad it's over!
  3. "100" - Howie Dorough
    Coincidentally the 1st three songs, the artists who perform them all follow me on twitter!  haha
  4. "Let's Go Higher" - Jordan Knight
    He also follows me on twitter!  hahaha!
  5. "Blurred Lines" - Robin Thicke (he doesn't follow me on twitter, so there goes that trend!  This song reminds me of Zachary Levi at the stage door following First Date performances)
  6. "All-American Girl" - Carrie Underwood
  7. "Boston" - Augustana
  8. "Stingy"- Jordan Knight (feat. Donnie Wahlberg)
  9. "DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love"- Usher (feat. Pitbull)
  10. "Live it Up" - New Kids on the Block (the cruise anthem...if this doesn't make me HATE that the snow is falling outside even more, I don't know what does....I want the cruise to be here now!!  I need to be on the island of Bermuda, like NOW!)
What are the 1st 10 songs on your iPod...put it on shuffle and leave a comment...would love to see what you all are listening to!!